Friday, October 4, 2019

Ethical Theories identified in (bazerman) and the Essay - 1

Ethical Theories identified in (bazerman) and the - Essay Example Firstly, utilitarianism is established on the principle that ethical choices should be established with their consequences. People always consider the probabilities of their decisions when deciding what to do. Furthermore, Utilitarianism is trying to do the utmost good for the highest number of individuals. Thus, Utilitarian approach is frequently used by leaders to ethical decision-making. In contrast to utilitarianism, Kant categorical imperative argues that no matter the consequences, people should always do what is morally right. Moreover, the word categorical means devoid of exception. However, Kent’s approach to ethical reasoning is the best-recognized deontological ethics. The deontological ethics argues decisions ought to be made according to our duties to trail universal truths that are engraved on our sense of right and wrong. Lastly, violation of these morals is indicated by guilt. Thirdly, justice as fairness guarantees equal opportunities and rights behind the shr oud of ignorance. Lastly, Communitarianism states that individuals should shoulder their responsibilities and pursue the common good (Johnson, 2014). In the study of any discipline, as well as leadership theories are important. The theories explain the relations among significant variables and concepts, organize information in a field and help practitioners and scholars to make predictions about the strategies that will be effective. Moreover, approaches to leadership theoretically, fall into one of the two classifications: normative or descriptive. Therefore, the descriptive theory describes the way leaders behave. Further, researchers earlier on discovered two fundamental dimensions to the styles of leadership. They included relationship and task. They discovered that while other leaders are focused more on building better relationships with members, others are focused more on tasks. However, the normative leadership theory advises leaders how

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